The EDUTAX Kft. is located in the downtown of Győr – 120 km far from Budapest and Vienna, 80 km far from Bratislava -, in the neighbourhood of the Árkád shopping centre. The main sphere of activity of the company that was established in 2002 is organized round the administrative services, with bookkeeping, payroll services, consultation on taxation and labour issues in the focus. Our company supplies complex business service both to the small and middle-sized companies and to the large and multinational companies as well.
Why to choose the EDUTAX Kft?
We are easily accessible either from Budapest, or from Vienna and Bratislava.
Our wide-ranging service portfolio covers the following fields:

- payroll
- bookkeeping,
- consultancy on taxation and labour issues, representation before the taxation authorities
- providing complete services to clients with customs, excise and environmental product fee,
- management of companies’ establishment: legal, taxation, HR issues, services related to seat, office/headquarter, real estate issues, searching for employees, head-hunting, marketing, etc.
- because our colleagues can comminute in German, English, Romanian and Serbian languages,
- because our colleagues are acknowledged and worthily known considerable professionals,
- because our colleagues have multicoloured professional experience,
- because we co-operate, not only serve,
- because we have professional relationships in Vienna, Slovakia and Budapest: attorney’s bureau, bookkeeping office, tax consultancts, specialized authorities (taxation authority, employment agency),
- because we cultivate good relationship with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Széchenyi István University of Győr and other educational institutions,
- because we have quality management standard as per the MSZ EN ISO 9001:2009,
- because our professional liability insurance in the amount of HUF 100 million is a guarantee for our partners.
Our range of services in accounting covers the following activities:
- completion of bookkeeping tasks related to the establishment, start and continuous operation of companies and non-profit organizations,
- filing tax returns, tax consultancy,
- forming and operation of financial controlling,
- representation in front of authorities,
- consultancy on management, taxation and labour issues,
- keeping files on transfer prices,
- preparation of interim balance-sheets.
Our experts:

Rita Hegyi
Tax consultancy
In the course of our activity as tax consultants and tax experts we render the following services:
- Tax consultancy with ad hoc commission, when our company gives responsible answer your problems based on a specific order. If necessary, we contact the competent taxation authority or other professional organization.
- Tax consultancy with a contract of monthly flat-fee, whose essence is the continuous availability, either by telephone, in e-mail or personally.
- Screening of period for filing tax returns in case of the change of managing director, chief accountant or owner and in relation to the increase of auditor’s value limit. In the course of the screening we focus on the disclosure of the significant specific errors and on the risk analysis of the system’s operation.
- In the course of supervisions prior to tax audits the aim is to reveal the risks, then to conduct internal self-checking.
- Supervision prior to company law changes, generally before starting liquidation or reorganization.
- Making remarks towards the Revenue Office, preparation of appeals to our Partners.
Our experts:

László Szilai
Managing director, Tax consultant, Expert of VAT, Registered auditor

Csilla Papp-Vida
Tax expert, Registered auditor, Expert of transfer prices
Our complex activity of wage accounting includes:
- the completion of the wage accounting tasks at the end of the months,
- preparation of consignments to the general ledger bookkeeping,
- compilation of import file about the wages to be remitted,
- forwarding the documents to the client’s bank programme, which can be read and transferred there,
- wage accounting in case of withdrawal in the midmonth, data supply, preparation of certificates to be delivered to the withdrawing employee and forwarding them to the client,
- data supply related to taxation, payment of contribution at the end of the year to the employees and to the authorities: Taxation authorities, Central Statistical Office
- complete data supply to the social security paying office
- issue of employer’s certificates, replacement of certificates that have already been issued but lost, repeatedly issued payroll.
- forwarding data for interim statistical reports and for the required, preliminarily formed reports (internal controlling), reconciliation of analytics with the general ledger bookkeeping.
Our experts:

Sándorné Rácz
Project manager of issues related to social security and wage, Expert of labour issues and social security

Nikoletta Lakó-Ferencz
Project manager of issues related to social security and wage
Consultancy on labour issues
Parts of the complex services of our labour sector are labour audit, consultancy, trainings, preparation of sample documents, participation in the official supervisions and management of the concrete labour issues.
In the course of the labour audit we examine the labour practice of our Partner then we make proposals for lawful solutions, decreasing by this the risk of the fines imposed by the authorities. The purpose of the audit – in addition to the revelation of the possible errors – is to find alternatives, with which more effective, economical and, at the same time, lawful labour practice can be created.
We undertake consultancy on labour issues either individually, or combined with wage accounting or accountancy services, which can be adjusted to the Partner’s special operation in each case. The service can be retained both with ad hoc nature, in a construction with flat fee and via personal and/or electronic contact. In the course of the labour trainings we teach the employees of our Partner the learning and we help them to acquire the skills with which later they can manage the company’s labour system on their own. Beside the lexical knowledge we also teach ways of thinking and system approach, thereby we deliver practical knowledge base in a company-specific manner.
Furthermore, we undertake to prepare sample documents customized to companies, whether they are legal statements, employment contract, information, notice, mutual agreement – or special labour document, rules, atypical employment contract, distance work, executive employee, etc. As demanded, our service may include representation in front of the authorities as well.
A related field of our labour sector is labour and fire protection, the complexity of our services can be complete with them. The labour audit can be extended to the professional risks of labour and fire protection, at the same time we undertake trainings, preparation of sample documents, ad hoc and continuous consultancy in these fields, too. With our co-operating partner we help our Partners also with the completion of the tasks of environmental protection.
Our expert:

Beáta Torma
Consultant with a complementary degree in labour law, Executive specialized in social security, Corporate internal auditor, Graduate professional in labour protection, Executive in fire protection
A penny saved is a penny earned.
/Benjamin Franklin/
Outsourcing of controlling tasks
According to our experience, several SMEs outsource their bookkeeping services. The external partner provides the SME with a general ledger every month, and the client tries to analyse these data to see whether the company is growing, what its profitability and financial situation are, and how the various business units perform.
Edutax Ltd. is ready to set up a tailor-made controlling system for each client. Based on the general ledger and the posting records, we will prepare a thorough analysis and an up-to-date overview of the profitability and the main processes of the company monthly, comparing them to planning data or prior year values, pointing out the current trends and extent of changes. We will highlight the critical points, where the management might interfere to correct the processes.
Why should you contact an external controller?
You might not have enough resources to employ a full-time controlling colleague, or you might not be in the position to find the critical points and methods to improve the efficiency, and to increase the profitability of your company.
Your company is not profitable enough?
Our expert will review the current state of the company monthly/quarterly, analysing the business processes, and supporting you with his/her expertise to achieve your company’s goals efficiently.
Why should you choose EDUTAX?
With over two decades of experience, our company offers a wide range of administrative services to SMEs, among others: management accounting, tax consultancy, bookkeeping, payroll services. We implemented an effective electronic data processing system at our company; our experts can be reached by web meetings / tools as well. Our team consists of economists, tax consultants, bookkeeping experts, and registered auditors, who can support and replace each other effectively.
An additional advantage is that we can communicate with you and your team both in English and German.
Can we help? Please contact us by mail:
Our expert:

Marianna Vámos
Economist, Registered Accountant, Senior Controller
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